jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

I have a dream

I have a dream. In which we are all one. In which we all know, in our hearts we all know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you and I are one and the same. In which we all feel the other. We feel their pain, their love, their loss, their joy, their freedom or lack of it. 

I have a dream and in this dream we no longer kill each other. We don't blame each other. We no longer even fear each other. Because we all know that we are all really talking to mirrors. Because we see our truth reflected in each others eyes. Because we all know, beyond question, that there is nothing at all to be afraid of. Ever. Because we are all one and the same. 

I have a dream and in this dream we have all awoken. And in all of us being awake we have broken out of illusion. Broken out of the illusion of self-deceit, of the illusion of separateness. And there is only truth, and love, and sharing. And joy is eternal because it comes from the knowing that all is and will allways be O.K. 

I have a dream in which you and I fear each other no longer. In which our differences only bring us closer.  In which we long to share eternity and the infinite vastness of the love that comes from being one. 

This is my dream and I want to share this with you. Beacause I love you, and you feel this. 

Carlos Ceballos 

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